Sunday, March 17, 2013

Big Brother Visits and More "Squirt" Eggs...


It was a rather interesting day yesterday here on the Shawhan farm. Kenny got to visit his little Barred Rock chicks, and Dan made yet another interesting discovery in the nest box.

It must have been every one's plans yesterday morning to go into Hillsboro and get errands ran. Surprise, surprise, both Dan and his brother had to make stops at Napa so I got to visit with Kenny, Nicole and baby Blake. Kenny kept asking what I had named his chicks...I told him I didn't name them...that was his job. I told him to come by the house after his nap that afternoon to see them.

Later on in the day, Kenny showed up and asked again if I had named his chicks while he was taking his nap. I told him, no, it was his job to name them. He was super excited and immediately wanted to hold one.

The only draw back to using this huge brooder is that you can't easily catch the chicks and hold them like we have been able to the past two years. So Uncle Dan had to climb in and get one. (You can see him in the brooder...haha!)

I think Kenny got to hold one of each. I even held my little Bantam, Fumm for a few minutes, though it was hard holding the brooder lid open and the camera.

While everyone was still in the barn, Dan went inside the coop to check the nest boxes and came out with an egg even smaller than The Squirt! I really want to know what chicken is doing this...someone has a real sense of humor!

This thing is smaller than the first tiny egg! Here they are side by side...the Squirt Jr. is the dark brown egg:

Here is a random egg I pulled from the carton, the Squirt Jr. and the Squirt:

Maybe we are being prepared for our Bantam eggs...or maybe this hen is the perpetrator...

P.S. Happy St. Patrick's Day! This post is dedicated to my Grandma Smith, who was born in Ireland and came to the United States at age 3!

                                                                                   ...cluck... cluck... cluck... chirp... chirp... chirp...

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