Friday, August 2, 2013

The Quartet


WOW!!! I can't believe I let myself go almost a month without posting! I'm so, so sorry...there really isn't an excuse for this, BUT everything has been happening all at once here on Shawhan farm, particularly green beans. And probably corn next week! Plus I like to try and make my posts good. I don't want to slap something on here only for the sake of "posting".

Anyhoo, I wanted to talk about "The Quartet". It is a "boy band" composed of my four rosters...who I can hear right now. (It's like they know I am talking about them!)

My four roosters now are: Cad-Buddy:

Chicken Hawk:


And Fumm... if you want to even count poor little Fumm in the classification of "rooster":

These four fellas have bounded together and formed a band, which they call "The Quartet". Now I know that sounds nice and sweet, just like what you are thinking of, like four little old men who can really harmonize.


This quartet likes to cock-a-doodle-doo ALL. THE. TIME.  And harmonize they do not.

They told me that during my maternity leave they have all bonded and decided to try for a recording deal. (Chicken Hawk even mailed out a demo tape to Capital Records.)  I'm glad they've become one time I was scared Cad-Buddy and Chicken Hawk would hurt the younger two, but not anymore. Now it's all about "bros" and "dawg", a very annoying bromance actually. They said they were so excited for their friendship that they decided they all wanted to be famous together, tour the world and they showed the most excitement when they talked about groupies.

They should sound a lot better than what they actually do for all the practicing they do. They like to perform when anyone steps out the back door, when one enters the barn, all morning and I think their favorite practice time is 5:00 A.M.

I don't have the heart to tell them that I don't think they have what it takes to make it big. It would be mean to disappoint them. 

They did what to give a shout out to One Direction and the Beibs...they wanted to tell them to watch out! The Quartet is coming!

Maybe next summer they will be on Good Morning America's Summer Concert Series??? 

                                                                                     ...cluck... cluck... cluck...

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