Monday, October 31, 2011


"HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!" from all the cluckies who are outside on this brisk fall evening.

Five girls are outside now trick-or-treating through the leaves finding some good stuff. The rest are getting their treats from their new roomies, Chuck and Big Mac out in the steer lot. The chickens love the corn in the no one goes without goodies tonight!

Chickens don't get candy on Halloween, but they do get bread crumbs which are their favorite!

Have a safe Halloween!

                                                                       ....cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck......

Friday, October 28, 2011

Samantha and Kailyn

So I've decided to name two of my black cluckies, who chose to fly the coop, literally, every. single. day. ......after two girls in my pre-school class. Samantha and Kailyn. These girls are related, look a-like and seem to be besties. In fact, they remind me of me and Emily.

Anyhoo, when one balck chicken started to escape and insist on laying in the hay bale for the steers, the second one just HHHAAADDDD to do it too.

~Monkey see, monkey do~

It just reminded me of the girls at school and it was what I started to call them.

I guess they can fly over the prison walls and lay in a predictable place. They are producing momma some eggs, so who cares!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

In order to begin, let's review:

WELCOME to my chicken blog! So many family members and friends enjoy my posts on Facebook about my infamous chickens, I decided to devote a whole blog to them. In another post, I'll describe the various chickens I have and how many and other details. For this first entry, I've decided to copy all the posts I ever put up on Facebook so we can all be on one page. I was surprised that I didn't have as many as I thought I did. Oh well, so here goes:

"I am now the proud momma of 20 baby chicks :)  " (3-19-2011)

"I had a dream that I found eggs. I checked the girls' nest box twice today and found nothing. What a bunch of freeloaders : ( "   (7-7-2011)

"I GOT AN EGG!!!!! My cluckies are freeloaders no more!!!!"   (7-28-2011)

"I know who my egg layer is! Sadly it's not Prissy. But my A-student is out there now so I'm hoping to find another surprise later in the day!!!"  (7-29-2011)

"Egg #2 was discovered this afternoon!" (8-1-2011)

"It's like Easter everyday now :) "  (8-2-2011)

"My little neighbor thought it was funny to hide Easter eggs all over my lawn last other chicken news, there was a new egg discovered in the nest box this morning, but the shell was more of a membrane. Hopefully it's just because we have a newbie laying eggs and hers will firm up soon."  (8-4-2011)

"Two of my cluckies are laying now!!!! 16 more to go!"  (8-7-2011)

"In chicken news, my 2 laying cluckies are on the same page for the past 2 days, so now I have 4 eggs in my carton. :)  (I think it's obvious what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow morning.)"  (8-9-2011)

"Becca is one proud momma!!! My newest layer, the one in the nest box, squirted out a big egg yesterday. No wonder, it was a double yolk! (Someone's an over-achiever) :)"  (8-10-2011)

"R.I.P. flower beds. It only took all summer, but the chickens finally found you :( "  (8-23-2011)

"R.I.P. to my girl who got hit on the road yesterday. Who hits a chicken and doesn't stop at the house? Seriously, it's like hitting someone's dog. The rainbow this morning told me she made it to the big roost in the sky. Terribly sad about this. Big changes to come at the Shawhan farm." (9-21-2011)

"Record day of eggs the other day: 15!"  (10-21-2011)